History of Pentecostalism

What are the origins of Pentecostalism?
The Pentecostals come primarily from the Wesleyan Methodist tradition. Most are Wesleyan Arminian in their doctrines of salvation: Christ atoned for all men; all men are able to respond positively to the gospel; it is left to man's free will to do so; predestination is based on foreseen faith. Many also believe that salvation can be lost.

Those in the holiness tradition (many are from this tradition) also believe that we can become perfect in this life before we get to heaven.

Pentecostals are also charismatic: they believe in the continuing and unaltered use of all gifts of the spirit mentioned in the New Testament (including prophecy, healing, tongues, etc.). Many place particular emphasis on tongues as evidence of salvation. In relation to this, they often teach a doctrine of a "second blessing" or "second baptism" in which people who are already saved gain greater spiritual blessings and giftedness.

Some of them also deny the doctrine of the Trinity in favor of "oneness," a revitalization of the ancient heresy called "modalism" or "Sabellianism." These believe that God does not exist in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), but rather that the one eternal God (who is spirit) manifests himself in different ways at different times, taking on whatever mode (e.g. Father, Son, Holy Spirit) he desires at the time.

Here at Third Millennium, we oppose all these distinctive doctrines of Pentecostals.

Answer by Ra McLaughlin

Ra McLaughlin is Vice President of Finance and Administration at Third Millennium Ministries.